Migrating from EBS to Oracle Fusion Cloud – Concerns and Answers

Migrating from E-Business Suite (EBS) to Oracle Fusion Cloud can be challenging, particularly for companies with intricate, unique business processes supported by customizations, custom reports, and extensive integrations. Read below to understand common concerns and their solutions, which can help ensure a seamless transition.

1. Customizations and unique processes

Concern - Can unique processes supported by custom solutions be moved to Oracle Fusion Cloud?
Answer - Yes, they can. Oracle Fusion Cloud offers flexibility to adapt to your business processes, though with some limitations. While there is a push towards standardization, Oracle Fusion Cloud allows for customizations, including optimizing screens, creating new ones, and capturing additional data elements. When planning the migration, it is crucial to design solutions that accommodate these customizations.

2. Users and customers familiar with stable processes, screens to perform activities and reports to run

Concern - Should existing processes be migrated 'As-Is' to Oracle Fusion Cloud?
Answer - No. Migration to Fusion Cloud is an opportunity to optimize and modernize processes. Conduct a value analysis to identify redundancies and areas for improvement. This approach allows organizations to leverage Oracle Fusion's full capabilities, transforming processes to be more efficient and aligned with current-day business needs and ensuring future readiness.

3. Integration with suppliers, customers, and banks

Concern - Can Oracle Fusion Cloud support existing integrations?
Answer - Yes. Oracle Fusion Cloud applications facilitate easy integration with vendors, banks, and customers. Many standard integration templates are available, simplifying the process. Unique integrations can leverage Oracle Cloud Integration (OCI). During migration planning, analyze existing integrations to determine which can be reused, which need configuration, and which may require new development.

4. Custom reports

Concern - Can many custom reports be migrated to the Oracle Fusion Cloud?
Answer - Yes, but with considerations. Reports often need to be recreated to fit new technological requirements. The critical factor is data sufficiency—if the data elements used in the reports are available in Oracle Fusion Cloud, recreating the reports is straightforward. For reports using custom data from other systems, the migration solution should enable accessing, storing, and using this additional data.

5. Oracle application footprint

Concern - Can the same application footprint be used on Oracle Fusion Cloud?
Answer - No. Oracle Fusion Cloud licensing differs from EBS, as do the underlying technology and architecture. The Oracle application bill of materials will change, potentially including additional components like OCI. It's essential to review and understand these changes during the migration planning.


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